Nov 2022
Planfarm is 60 – well when you trace our history back to the beginning we are!
Cameron Weeks
Nov 2022
Planfarm is 60 – well when you trace our history back to the beginning we are!

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In 1962 the Wongan-Ballidu Farm Advisory Service was established. The objects of the Service, as per the constitution and rules, were:

  • To promote the efficiency of primary production in the Wongan-Ballidu Road Board District and adjacent areas of Western Australia.
  • To provide a field advisory service in the district for members.
  • To improve the knowledge of its members and diffuse information as to sound principles of farming in the district.
  • Generally, to do all lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them or as shall be calculated to directly or indirectly promote, protect and further the interest of members.

In 1965 the Advisory Service became Nutall, Falconer and Boughton, Farm Management Consultants.

In 1970 the service became Agribusiness Counsellors, Farm Management Consultants and Valuers.

In 1974 Planfarm was officially formed with one of the founders of the Wongan-Ballidu Advisory Service, Peter Falconer, being a founding shareholder.

Peter was and is somewhat of an icon of agriculture in Western Australia having influenced a generation or two with his foresight, knowledge, passion, and of course commonly voiced opinions. I can honestly say it is an honor to have found myself in a position whereby we carry on his, and others’, legacies as Consultants with Planfarm and to this wonderful industry.

Fast forward to today and one can see much of the original intent and certainly Peter’s influence captured in our company Purpose and Values.

We strive to make a difference to our clients, our team, and our industry because we genuinely care and enjoy what we do.

Honesty – we call it as we see it.
Empathy – we call it though imagining we were in your shoes.
Independence – advice provided is never compromised by a third party.
Knowledgeable – always striving to be well informed.
Professional – courteous, thorough, prepared and prompt.

So, what’s changed?
We may be getting older and in so many ways agriculture has changed beyond belief but when it comes to some of the underlying basics the more things change the more, they stay the same!

The following were topics including word for word summary sentences from the 1977 client newsletter, Planfarm Digest.
• Land Values – realistic or ridiculous? ‘Wheatbelt land prices can be expected to continue rising over the coming years.’
• Wheat v Sheep. ‘Sheep returns need to double before they compare with a cropping enterprise.’
• Income Equalization Deposits (these days known as Farm Management Deposits). ‘IEDs merely postpones tax liability and there may be better ways of doing the same thing.’
• High Cost of High Power. ‘Large new tractors cost more money, but will they grow more wheat?’

We might be bigger (35 of us and counting), more diversified (business consulting, grain marketing, agronomy, carbon services and property management) and more technology dependent (you will have received this via email perhaps on your phone) but are still trying to achieve the same thing.

Help our clients to be successful.

Thankyou for the opportunity to work with you and here’s to 60 more years of Planfarm and farm prosperity. That is certainly what we are planning for!










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