
Document Library
Landline September 2024

In this issue: Page 1: The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and the essential ingredient of trust! Page 3: Are swarm bots the future of all spraying? Page 5: Turnip Yellows Virus Page 8: 2022/23 Deferred Sales Pool – the bonus tonnes keep on giving Page 12: Is EQ a business Superpower??? Page 13: Bookkeeping is a hassle. Or does it have to be? Page 15: People: Your most undervalued farm asset Document Search …

Landline August 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Well beyond the farm gate Page 3: Highest and Best Land Use – Concept or Opportunity Page 6: Building Western Australian Horticulture Business Capacity Page 7: 50 years of grain marketing and production in …

Landline July 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Solar is your superpower! Page 3: Interrogating your farm investments wisely: sifting the solids from the snake oil Page 6: Nothing Quite Like Experience Page 8: No Regret Grain Marketing Page 10: Banking Relationships Page 11: Celebrating 50 years of Planfarm with Brendon Tierney Page 13: AgCAREERSTART – What is it and would it suit your …

Landline June 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Embrace the Digital Natives Page 3: Grain Market Opportunities further out Page 4: Leading your Farm Business – what sort of leader do you aspire to be? Page 7: Farming ahead: how to build a carbon-smart strategy Page 10: Celebrating 50 years of Planfarm with Peter …

Landline May 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Late Break Management Page 4: Soil amelioration makes squillions of dollars Page 6: There is no point sitting on the ISCC fence – you will just get splinters Page 8: Persistence of preemergent chemicals Page 10: How big should you go? How to know what scale you should be operating …

Landline April 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Deep Wins, Shallow Losses – A Coaching Philosophy Page 3: Carbon Farming Opportunities – Lessons from on the ground Page 5: For all the grain in China Page 7: Overcoming Challenges, Planning Strategies Page 8: Data-wrangling: Harnessing the power of farm data Page 9: Discount on …

Landline March 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Farmers you need to manage not just hope! Page 3: The bears have come out of hibernation in the grain market. Page 4: Help me if you can, I’m feeling down. Page 6: Nuffield Scholarship Luncheon Page 7: Navigating the Path to Resilient Horticulture: Embracing Sustainability for a Secure Future Page 8: Barley There: The Brew-tiful Dilemma of Chasing …

Landline February 2024

In this issue: Page 1: Time to regroup. Page 3: Insights that sow success: How operating efficiency targets differ between agricultural industries. Page 5: What are our plans for high school education? Page 6: Someday – This will all be yours. Page 8: Happiest of New 2024 – a fresh start! Page 10: 2024 budgets and the Below the line expenses. Page 11: Bookkeeping made …

Landline December 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Taking stock, planning ahead, and making the most of your annual review. Page 3: Machinery solutions – with a twist! Page 4: This is always an opportune time to assess Page 6: Navigating Grain Markets from AWB Basis Pool to Global Strategies Page 7: Temporary Full Expensing, Instant Asset Write-Offs and the COVID Hangover Page 9: Timing is everything… a carbon farming story Page 12: Soil Sampling & Testing Guide …

Landline November 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Farm succession – keys to success and an alternative to the norm. Page 4: Land Chess with Bigwigs, Legal-eagles, and Beancounters. Page 6: Comparing apples with apples in national vegetable benchmarks. Page 7: Making sense of new CBH harvest grades. Page 10: Chemical carry over – friend or …

Landline October 2023

In this issue: Page 1: When it doesn’t rain, and income is low inflation means potential losses are large! Page 2: Reflections Page 4: How many $ are you losing from seeding late? Page 6: Fertiliser prices returning to normal – sort of! Page 7: Should you be ticking the ISCC …

September Landline 2023

Planfarm Benchmarks – Season 2022 The Planfarm Benchmarks is the industry recognised leading annual report on the financial and production performance of broadacre farm businesses throughout Western Australia. 2022 was a record breaking year for WA broadacre agriculture. High water use efficiency resulted in record yields, which when combined with strong grain prices saw the average business generate an incredible level of farm income and …

Landline August 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Wind turbines on farms and optimizing the opportunity. Page 2: Thumbs Up Page 4: Camera’s on your next boomspray? Page 6: Growing lupins is a lot like flossing your teeth Page 9: Is the wolf already at the …

Landline July 2023

In this issue: Page 1: It’s a mixed bag so far this season so take your own circumstances into account when estimating likely crop yields. Page 2: Cyber Risks for our Clients Page 5: Managing RedLegged Earth Mite Insecticide Resistance Page 6: Sheep Prices – The Perfect Storm Page 8: A 2023 milestone – 100,000 ha of potential carbon farming project land assessed Page 11: We are all in the Agricultural game. What can be …

Landline June 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Championship Hot Air Balloon Flying – Any Agricultural related similarities? Page 3: Comparison is the thief of joy Page 5: WA Flock Sheep eID Requirements – Are you thinking ahead Page 7: The Basis for …

Landline May 2023

In this issue: Page 1: The season and outlook Page 3: Early start! Let’s not get too excited! Frost Planning 2023 Page 5: Farmers Terms of Trade Page 7: Glyphosate is now our biggest resistance issue Page 8: 10 Years of Bunge in …

Landline April 2023

In this issue: Page 1: So, who’s powering agriculture? Page 2: Professional Development – it isn’t just about learning Page 3: Mixed emotions across the board for Victorian croppers! Page 5: Planfarm helping foster Youth in Agriculture Page 7: Containerised grain exporters feeling the …

Landline March 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Annual review season summary Page 3: Wheat Powdery Mildew- what did we learn last year? Page 5: Noticed Your Grocery Bill Lately? Page 6: Is equipment finance still the obvious and best way to fund the purchase of farm equipment? Page 7: 12 months of …

Landline February 2023

In this issue: Page 1: Farmers are commonly now seriously wealthy – so what does this mean? Page 2: Lupin V Canola in 2023 Page 4: Planfarm history correction Page 5: Can we use Gypsum as a Supply of Sulphur? Page 6: CBH Pools in Reveiw Page 8: Emissions, Carbon, ACCU’s and …

Landline December 2022

In this issue: Page 1: The Planfarm undergraduate program, a new meeting booking system and upcoming annual reviews. Page 3: Blinded by the light. Page 4: Falling Numbers Page 6: Monetizing Machinery Decisions Page 9: Exciting Times for Planfarm …

Landline November 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Planfarm is 60 – well when you trace our history back to the beginning we are! Page 2: Playing CBH Grain Roulette Page 4: Will total harvest bans be more common this harvest? Page 5: Foliar Nutrition and Application Page 6: 2022/23 Annual Review …

Landline October 2022

In this issue: Planfarm Benchmarks 2021 …

Landline September 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Our first person based outside of WA – Dan Toohey in Ballarat Page 2: The mid-west of WA through the eyes of a boy from Ballarat Page 4: Canola Page 6: Are you carbon ready? Page 8: The highs… Page 9: How much are you prepared to pay for …

Landline August 2022

In this issue: Page 1: What should you be doing when you have no idea what will happen next? I know – be careful! Page 2: Plan your new machinery with rigour! Page 4: Powdery Mildew in wheat – the only disease that thrives in dry conditions. Page 5: Does your livestock system need a wolf? Page 6: AGIC 2022 – Growing with …

Landline July 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Farming successfully in a family partnership Page 2: Getting the best bang for your buck from the bank – Part 2 Page 5: Putting the fun in fungicides Page 8: Crop insurance premiums are on the rise! Page 10: Capacity Is King (And Probably Will Be …

Landline June 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Phew! The season is away, and the outlook is very good. Page 2: Comparing Apples with Apples Page 4: Sand Dunes Page 6: Getting the best bang for your buck from the bank – Part …

Landline May 2022

In this issue: Page 1: It’s all happening at Planfarm too! Page 3: How to arrive at the party with your shoes on Page 5: Where are you going? P age 7: I’m not worried about data Basis Page 9: Save the …

Landline April 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Booming land values highlight very real inequities in many farm succession plans. Page 3: No more Mr Mice guy Page 5: Investing in People Page 7: Is past performance a reliable indicator of future performance? Page 9: Interest Rates – Did you miss the boat, to fix …

Landline March 2022

In this issue: Page 1: In times of uncertainty Page 3: An Exciting New Service from Planfarm Page 4: Focus on what you can control not what you can’t! Page 6: Volatility… Risk or Opportunity? Page 8: Soil, Nutrition, and crop bulk. What’s going on? Page 10: Diesel and Deep Ripping Page 11: As COVID19 …

Landline February 2022

In this issue: Page 1: Welcome back to Landline for 2022. Page 2: Vale: William (Bill) O’Neill 1966-2021. Page 2: The case for see and spray. Page 4: How does it feel to be in the middle of a massive experiment? Page 7: Is it still worth spraying summer weeds with $14 glyphosate? Page 8: The definition of …

Landline December 2021

In this issue: Page 1: Fertiliser prices, 2021/22 swap losses, 2022/23 hedging strategies and crop rotations – have I got it all covered for you!! Page 4: Planfarms strategy for dealing with high fertiliser and grain prices Page 9: New WHS laws mean farm businesses must get serious about managing workplace health and safety! Page 12: Jump in the pool? Page 14: Brix levels & the effect on the disease and insect …

Landline November 2021

In this issue: Page 1: Farm labour – you know you are all competing, don’t you? Page 4: Setting up for success Page 7: Strip and disc update Page 11: The Science of Making Bad Decisions Page 13: Effective tax planning starts at harvest Page 15: Plant and Equipment Investment …

Landline October 2021

In this issue: Page 1: The smart farmer will approach 2022 cautiously! Page 3: Karoshi – Japanese word meaning ‘worked to death’! Page 4: Show Me the Money, Lowering Harvest Losses Page 5: More on harvest losses – Canola, reap what you sow Page 6: Farm Labour Salaries – Where does your business stand? Page 8: Late season weed …

Landline September 2021

Planfarm Benchmarks – 2020 …

Landline August 2021

In this issue: Page 1: WA Fertility Trends – some very interesting insights from CSBP Page 3: Fertiliser and your future decisions Page 6: Mice – Numbers Increasing fast! Page 7: Machinery Investment – Benchmarks measures Page 8: Planfarm welcomes Jacquie Warr to the Grain Marketing team Page 9: Shipping …

Landline July 2021

In this issue: Page 1: Access to sought after capital items and crop inputs – plan and carry! Page 4: Interest rates. Should I be fixing? Page 6: OJD – A silent but costly disease Page 9: It’s a volatile world we live in but with volatitlity comes opportunity! Page 11: A Pound for a Pound? Page 12: Professional development for professional farmers – Planfarm …

Landline June 2021

In This Issue: Page 1 It’s in your interest to be a great employer! Page 3 Accounting software and farm business management. Is the grass always greener on the other side? Page 7 Planfarm, Australian Farm Investment Management (AFIM) and Institutional Investors in Western Australia – An Update Page 9 Protecting your right to good swaps advice Page 10 Planfarm Farm Profit Groups Make more money with help from your friends Page 12 “It’s not you. It is me.” How my relationship with MCPA LVE has changed. Page 13 A Pastures from Space (PfS) …

Landline May 2021

In This Issue: Page 1: Who said life was boring? Page 3: How blessed I am Page 5: Confirmation Bias Page 6: Planfarm welcomes back Bill O’Neill Page 7: Succession planning – mum and dad you need to lead! Page 9: Carbon farming and Terrawise, what is the …

Landline April 2021

In This Issue: Page 1: Succession planning – it’s never too early to start planning and communicating! Page 3: Port capacity stands between eager buyers and eager sellers Page 6: Mining, infrastructure projects and farm land – you have more power to negotiate than you probably realise. Page 10: Deep Ripping – The devil is in the detail Page 14: Annual Reviews – Help us to help you! Page 16: Circle of Concern Vs Circle of …

Landline March 2021

In This Issue: Page 1: A reflection on 2020 and looking forward to 2021 Page 4: A Bug’s Life Page 6: Rhizoctonia x Zn: a soil/plant interaction? Page 11: The Blue lupin blues! Page 13: Farming and the broader economy Page 16: The barley party will be …

Landline December 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Taking stock of 2020 & planning for 2021 & beyond Page 3: Harvest Strategy Page 6: What happened to our basis and where to from here? Page 10: Confinement Feeding – Part 2 Page 12: No resistance to herbicide mixes Page 16: A Christmas message from Graeme …

Landline November 2020

Landline October 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Looking to buy farm land in a booming land market? Make sure you can genuinely afford it! Page 3: A faster horse or a Model T? Page 7: Your Grain Marketing Harvest Toolbox. Page 9: What is my Carbon footprint? Page 12: A dive into the 10-year performance of WA broadacre …

Landline September 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: So how has the wheatbelt fared? Page 3: Planfarm Sheep Benchmarks 2019-2020. Page 5: Holding Wool. Page 8: Reversing trifluralin resistance. Page 12: Confinement feeding – supporting the engine room in our livestock systems Page 17: High residue farming – what do we know that we don’t …

Landline August 2020

Planfarm Benchmarks …

Landline July 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: The crop looks good BUT a good August to October is needed Page 2: Your seeding machine may be murdering your lupins. Page 5: Splitting the farm business. You’ve decided this is the best way forward so how do you go about it? Page 9: Business Income Insurance – Is it worth it?? Page 11: Use an understanding of price deciles to improve grain marketing decisions! Page 13: Employment and farm businesses – getting the most out of your …

Landline June 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Creating financial freedom when farming in partnership Page 3: Black Swan events – how would your business cope? Page 5: One Month in – Where is the Barley Market Post AntiDumping Page 7: Oats – the risk of over supply this year is high so factor this into your forward pricing plan! Page 8: A quick note from Chad Jefferis Page 9: Quorum Sensing- The importance in soil and gut …

Landline May 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Dust Storm to Deluge! Page 2: Fall Armyworm China’s Barley Tariff Page 8: No knockdown, no worries – more research from SA Page 10: Are newer machines cheaper to …

Landline April 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Farm businesses could teach other businesses a thing or two Page 2: Future Funding for your Children’s Education Page 6: Making sure farm investments with longer pay back periods are worthwhile Page 9: Oil Futures Fall Below zero Page 11: There’s An App For That™ – Livestock …

Landline March 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: From the MD Page 3: Agronomic update including implications of COVID-19 Page 7: Overseas workers joining the farm… what are the implications of COVID-19 Page 10: Thank (God I am) a Farmer Page 11: Consulting Services in a world which is ‘locked down’! …

Landline February 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Tight cashflow and interrogations of cost Page 6: Alternative sources of funding Page 10: Pigging out, or out of pigs? Page 15: Livestock Integration Page 18: What is YOUR cost of Harvest Weed Seed …

Landline December 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: WHEAT- Sell or Hold? Page 3: Stock Water In Dry Times Page 6: How much profit are you throwing out the back of your harvester? Page 10: Some selective reflections on the season and for the festive one …

Landline November 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Cover Crop Cocktails & Crop Diversity Page 5: Your review process – how to make the most of it! Page 8: Clearfield considerations Page 11: BARLEY- lowest value grain. Do you sell or hold at decile 7? Page 12: Profit ain’t …

Landline October 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: What to keep back for sheep feed this year Page 4: Paperless Farm Office- It is possible with a few key steps! Page 10: As land values go up what is the impact on lease rates? Page 13: Investment …

Landline September 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Good Products Page 4: Spring 2019 has been dry, hot and frosty and this is of course not good! Page 6: Your cost of HWSC Page 10: Grubs, grubs, grubs Page 13: Learnings from intensive horticulture business benchmarking – one year further …

Landline August 2019

Planfarm Benchmarks …

Landline July 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: True cost of owning a truck… and harvest options Page 3: Reserve Bank Rate Reductions Page 7: Reflections from crossing the Nullarbor Page 11: What barley varieties should you consider in 2020? Page 12: Land Values – too hot to …

Landline June 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Myths vs Facts; What does the APVMA do? Page 5: National On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme. Page 6: No-Till and Beyond Page 10: African Swine Fever – What is it, and how will markets respond? Page 11: Bringing on the next generation of farm managers Page 15: Work ON your business while you’re working IN …

Landline May 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: GM Canola Prices – Collateral Damage Page 3: From 2018 to 2019. Could this be a year of contrasts? Page 5: Feeding and Managing Sheep in Dry Times Page 14: AgriClime – you have probably already paid for it Page 18: Grow competitive crops. More crop, fewer …

Landline April 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Tariff-eying times for Australian barley Page 6: New Chemistry for Broadacre Cropping Page 7: Future aged care financial requirements Page 9: Is the wheat belt turning into the barley belt? Page 12: The latest in Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Page 14: Agrifac Condor Endurance SP Sprayer- Dripping with Technology Page 16: Sheep Gross Profitability – What a …

Landline March 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Grain Marketing Swaps Page 4: The banking Royal Commission: The recommendations that affect agriculture Page 7: Planfarm Introduces Stephen Cocking now working in the Esperance region Page 8: Observations across the Tasman Sea Page 11: Planfarm welcomes Tyson Fry to the Perth team Page 12: 2018 – boom times in the Northern Agricultural Region (NAR)! Page 14: Finance Costs and Breakevens …

Landline February 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: Looking forward Page 2: 2,4-D: The backbone of many good knockdown brews Page 8: Greg Kirk in the final days with Planfarm. Page 9: There’s gold (lime) in them thar hills (valleys)! Page 11: Now is an opportune time to review the 2018 season Page 13: Regenerative Agriculture – Using the principles of nature to your advantage Page 16: Planfarm, Australian Farm Investment (AFIM) and Investors in WA. Management …

Landline December 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: There has never been a better time to be … in agriculture! Page 3: 2018 – The year in review – my three key take home messages for the year Page 7: My Research Agro Page 8: What is Ovine campylobacteriosis (formerly ovine vibriosis) and is it an issue in WA? Page 10: Planfarm Academy Page 11: Planfarm Grains Cash Plus Program PAge 14: What to do with a windfall surplus? Page 15: Introducing the Planfarm Chemical & Benchmarking Tool …

Landline November 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Single Touch Payroll – you MUST be ready! Page 4: Argentina – more than just big steaks. Page 5: Introducing the Planfarm Chemical & Fertiliser Benchmarking Tool Page 6: Machinery Investment – Do you have a plan? Page 9: MyResearchAgro APP Page 10: Is there a real difference between intensive and broadacre businesses? Page 14: Planfarm …

Landline October 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: What’s moving the fertiliser market? Page 4: Grain Marketing Harvest Update Page 8: APVMA reviews 2,4-D: what you need to know Page 10: Preparing for Harvest Handy Hints to get you through the busy period Page 13: Woh-hoh-oh, the nips are gettin’ …

Landline September 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: An exciting time in the sheep industry Page 5: Alternative to Bank SWAPs Page 8: Firebreaks – A case study Page 11: The opportunity of a lifetime to smash the ryegrass …

Landline August 2018

Planfarm benchmarks …

Landline July 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Family Trust Vesting Dates – a ticking time bomb? Page 4: Chaff Lining: Inital Observations Page 6: What a time to be hedging your grain Page 9: What is the Booroola gene in …

Landline June 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Don’t let the black dog bite Page 5: Planning Ahead – Feeding Budget This Harvest for 2019 and Beyond Page 10: Planfarm Academy Page 13: Blockchain – What is …

Landline May 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Fungicide Resistance – How to avoid it and what to do when you have it Page 3: Succession planning is alive and well at Planfarm Page 12: My Research Agro Page 13: Farm Budgets V Governmant Budgets Page 15: Planfarm welcomes Carter Johnson to the …

Landline April 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Future aged care requirements Page 4: Sulphate of ammonia and lime interactions Page 7: Making the most of the coming season Page 8: Trump, Twitter, Tariffs… Terror? Page 11: Trust is a simple …

Landline March 2018

In This Issue: Page 1: Should we really be striving to split the family farm? Page 8: If there is no malt segregation in your area then are you really growing a malt variety? Page 10: Deep ripping: We know its worthwhile on sandy soils but what about the heavier soils. Page 13: How to use a Soil Penetrometer Page 14: What’s all the fuss about …

Landline February 2018

In This Issue: page 1: Chafflining – Fad or future? Page 8: Are we set for a wheat price spike and are you ready to capitalise? Page 10: Choosing & applying pre-emergent herbcides Page 14: Are drones the answer for detecting green weeds in green …

Landline December 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: The year that was Page 3: Red Leaf Sub Clover Syndrome Page 8: Making the most of your annual review Page 10: Value of working dogs to the agricultural …

Landline November 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Should I grow a noodle wheat in 2018 Page 6: Where are we heading with Ag data Page 8: New Subterranean clover varieties Page 10: Employing staff, what are your obligations? Page 13: The virtually impossible, may soon be possible Page 16: Quality and quantity receival reports to be provided by CBH …

Landline October 2017

Planfarm benchmarks …

Landline September 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Chaff lining: An alternative to traditional harvest weed seed control Page 6: Getting our ewes back in condition Page 9: When does a seed become a seed? Page 13: How will you fund your …

Landline August 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Lamb Survival = Profit Page 5: Controlled Traffic Farming WA Sheep Industry Profitability climbs while sheep numbers stagnate. Where to next? Page 10: Plant growth stages, MRL’s and withholding periods: Why they matter to your …

Landline July 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Where to next? Page 4: Speculative or Fundamentals, does it matter? Page 7: Farming is more and more a game for the well capitalized. Unfortunate but true! Page 9: Expect more from your agronomist regarding fungal disease …

Landline June 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: The WA Broad-acre Agriculture scene in 2030 Page 4: Roses in amongst the thorns Page 7: Quantify your position Page 10: Eliza Forlong – Mother of the Golden Fleece Page 12: The Balancing Act – Price Risk Vs Production Risk Vs Business …

Landline May 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Disruptive technology – what next Page 3: Whats happening to your nitrogen Page 9: The Reefinator – turning rock into soil Page 14: Dirt to $ cropping …

Landline April 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: But when we got there the cupboard was bare! Page 5: Is our grain industry as good as it gets Page 7: Young people in Agriculture Page 9: Planfarm Invoices Page 11: What’s hot & whats not in …

Landline March 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Choose your ryegrass weapon in wheat wisely Page 6: A step up in sandplain crop production Page 9: Introducing Sophie Wooldridge Page 10: Oilseeds benefitting from more meaty appetites Page 13: How will you approach …

Landline February 2017

In This Issue: Page 1: Innovative new app takes the stress out of selling grain Page 3: Why believing that there is nothing that you can do about the weather will cost your business Page 6: Farm Management Deposits – short term gain or long term pain Page 7: Introducing Alex House Page 8: Keep the honeymoon alive Page 10: Much to be thankful …

Landline December 2016

In This Issue: Page 1: Poor seed quality can put 2017 yields at risk Page 6: Interest Rates – what does 2017 hold? Page 10: Life after Rametin (naphthalophos): a good time to test drench efficacy Page 12: Time to take stock of 2016 & make plans for the year …

Landline November 2016

In This Issue: Page 1: So there’s no money in farming Page 4: Variety Options for 2017 Page 13: The Analysis Of 6 Month Vs 8 Month Vs 12 Month Shearing Page 17: Planfarm 2015 Farm Labour Survey …

Landline October 2016

In This issue: Page 1: Frost – What can be done to make sure the next one is less damaging on your farm Page 4: Dealing with harvest issues – Frost affected wheat and barley crops Page 6: Storing weeds and pests Page 10: Longer term …

Landline September 2016

In This issue: Page 1: Row Spacing – Aim For As Narrow As Is Practical Page 4: Canola Desiccation Page 7: The Cost of Getting Back Into Sheep Page 10: Travel – It’s Great To Get Away And See How The Other Half …

Landline August 2016

Planfarm Benchmarks …

Landline July 2016

In This issue: Page 1: What do negative interest rates mean? Page 3: Developing your personal vision & goals will increase your chances of success! Page 6: Wheat Outlook. Page 8: Wheeling damage in Wheat worth …

Landline June 2016

In This issue: Page 1: Broad-acre Agriculture 20 years from now? Page 4: Dark Cutting – Management and New Research Page 6: New CBH Grain Pricing Options Page 9: Lamb Survival Initiative Page 12: E-connected- leading to better Decision …

Landline May 2016

In This issue: Page 1: Season in perspective. Page 4: What happened when I typed Glyphosate into Google. Page 8: Analysing biomass data to determine season performance and success. Page 11: The early start and post emergent nitrogen Page 15: Kookaburras VS Great …

Landline April 2016

In This issue: Page 1: The Budget we deserve? Page 3: Angled seeding for better establishment Page 6: Electronic identification in sheep Page 9: Adding a little cream to your business Page 11: According to the book of …

Landline March 2016

In This issue: Page 1: CBH Rejects AGC Proposal Page 3: Early Sowing Decisions? Page 5: The Principles of Carrying Grain Page 9: The iHSD is here! Page 12: Ready for …

Landline February 2016

In This issue: Page 1: AGC Proposal to CBH. Page 3: To Weedseeker or to not Weedseeker? Page 5: Simple Feed Budgeting for the Break of Season. Page 8: Grain marketing options in the current market. Page 10: New faces at …

Landline December 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Eyes Wide Shut Page 2: Rain at harvest can affect your Lupin Germination. Test your seed now Page 3: Is having a grain cleaner another one percenter? Page 5: Tick the correct boxes for better returns Page 5: Heads Up Page 6: What is the best grain cartage option for you? Page 11: Another Wonderful …

Landline November 2015

In This issue: Page 1: What we can all do Page 2: Should Farms Expand? Page 9: Soil Testing. How Deep should I go? Page 11: Wool. The Comeback …

Landline October 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Observations from the top Page 4: Canola and Lupin Rotations leading to Potassium deficiencies in lighter soils Pge 7: AAAC Pilbara Tour Page 10: Are we seeing a new paradigm in the WA …

Landline September 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Focus is the Key Page 4: CBH Marketing and Trading Rebate Page 5: Harvester Set up to Catch Weed Seeds Page 7: Crop Topping for Weed Seed Control Page 10: Dark Cutting Meat Risks and …

Landline August 2015

Planfarm Benchmarks …

Landline July 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper Page 4: Choosing Business Strategies Page 8: Access the Planfarm HG App Page 11: Observations from the Field Page 12: How Farmers can Reduce Credit …

Landline June 2015

In This issue: Page 1: The Big Picture Page 3: Is Your Farm a Good Investment? Page 4: What Goes Up Page 7: Farm Advisory Boards Page 10: Barley Contract …

Landline May 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Current Issues Page 3: Getting the best out of your Legume Pastures Page 6: Premier’s ANZAC Student Tour 2015 Page 9: Developments in Planfarm …

Landline April 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Six for getting more from your day Page 4: Soil Testing & Nitrogen Page 6: Building Wealth Page 8: Unwritten Rules Page 10: Oats – Decile 9 or …

Landline March 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Managing for Profit Page 4: Ryegrass Seedbank Obsession Page 6: Grain Buyers as ‘Financiers’ Page 8: Electronic Herbicide …

Landline February 2015

This issue: Page 1: Crop Updates Papers Page 5: The Oat Market in WA Page 6: Investing or …

Landline December 2014

This issue: Page 1: Rain into Grain Page 5: Spot spraying v. blanket spraying Page 7: Prevent further expense Page 10: Don’t leave money on the table Page 12: New kid on the block Page 14: Have your cake and eat it …

Landline November 2014

This issue: Page 1: Much to be thankful for. Page 3: Lifetime Ewe Management Page 6: Susceptibility testing Page 9: Floating Spreads – what do they mean when filling …

Landline October 2014

This issue: Page 1: Will China do for grain and livestock what it did for iron ore? Page 6: The Sheep Enterprise – the exciting future Page 10: DEU Market Update Page 6: Planfarm Offices Christmas …

Landline September 2014

This issue: Page 1: It’s taken a year to grow, don’t under-sell it. Page 4: Remember, remember Page 5: Residues and withholding periods Page 6: Agronomy Apps for the field! Page 9: Meet the newest members of the Planfarm …

Landline August 2014

Planfarm benchmarks …

Landline July 2014

This issue: Page 1: On Farm Storage Analysis Page 5: When can I change to 2, 4D? Page 7: Planning for Variability Page 9: Sow West Young Man Page 11: Nitrogen Top …

Landline June 2014

This issue: Page 1: A Wonderful Start – make the most of it. Page 3: When, What and How? Page 4: Volatilization of Urea Page 5: Sclerotinia in Canola …

Landline May 2014

This issue: Page 1: Water, Water and more Water! Page 4: The Art of Deferred Grazing Page 6: Some Food for Thought on Housing Page 10: The Rules of the Game p4 p6 …

Landline April 2014

This issue: Page 1: What sort of year will 2014 be? Page 3: Lupin Agronomy Page 6: Leadership Page 8: Before We Start Page 10: Grain Marketing …

Landline March 2014

This issue: Page 1: Making Decisions Page 5: Glyphosate resistant wild radish Page 8: Crop Insurance questions Page 11: Growing Your Business Page 14: 4 Apple Agricultural Apps worth …

Landline February 2014

This issue: Page 1: Lessons from 2013 Page 3: Sclerotinia in Canola Page 4: Marketing 2014 Page 6: Get Involved in …

Landline December 2013

This issue: Page 1: Beating Brome Page 2: The Lucky Country? Page 5: GrainMarketing Calendar Considerations Page 6: Chaff Carts Page 7: New Years …

Landline November 2013

This issue: Page 1: Guidance from benchmarking Page 5: Lime considerations Page 8: 80:20 …

Landline October 2013

This issue: Page 1: Successful farming in the Eastern Wheatbelt Page 2: What did and didn’t work in 2013 in the NAR Page 3: Cropping over perennial pastures Page 6: Growth program for SMEs Page 8: Harvest losses Page 10: Windrow burning Page 12: …

Landline September 2013

This issue: Page 1: In the home straight Page 2: Pastures – 10+1 points Page 3: Grain marketing update Page 5: Growth program for SMEs Page 8: Fertiliser for …

Landline August 2013

This issue: Page 1: 2012 Planfarm Bankwest Benchmarks Page 22: Reading your business analysis report Page 23: End of year cashflow …

Landline July 2013

This issue: Page 1: Planfarm Consultants and the Curtin University Page 6: WA Rural Woman of the Year Page 8: Firebreak …

Landline June 2013

This issue: Page 1: A time to look at your marketing moves? Page 4: Think strategically about your borrowings Page 6: Seeding wrap-up Page 7: Integrated weed …

Landline May 2013

This issue: Page 1: Season off to a great start Page 3: GRDC Regional Cropping Solutions Networks Page 6: Controlling herbicide resistant radish Page 7: The art of deferred …

Landline April 2013

This issue: Page 1: The business of farming page 3: Risk & decision making in agriculture Page 5: Adjuvant pricing has changed for 2013 Page 6: Smartphone apps Page 7: Allocating scarce seeding …

Landline March 2013

This issue: Page 1: 10 great things about dryland agriculture in WA Page 3: Liming; Facts on quality & tools available Page 5: Halve your weed seed set Page 7: Yield benchmarking to increase grain yields Page 8: Grain market update Page 9: Dry (?) seeding this …

Landline February 2013

This issue: Page 1: 2012 and the outlook for 2013 Page 3: Trends in fertiliser, chemicals & seed Page 4: Grain marketing in 2012 Page 6: Barley varieties Page 9: Herbicide …

Landline December 2012

This issue: Page 1: A look back on 2012 Page 3: Getting the best out of your Planfarm annual review Page 4: Summer 2012/2013 a tricky time for sheep Page 6: Welcome to two new team …

Landline November 2012

This issue: Page 1: Mining, infrastructure projects & farm land Page 4: Where to start with VRT Page 7: How well did Swaps work as a hedging tool in …

Landline October 2012

This issue: Page 1: Stay tuned to your business Page 2: Sheep – 10 important changes Page 4: Putting precision back into your cropping system Page 7: Harvesting …

Landline September 2012

This issue: Page 1: Should we move to Canterbury, NZ? Page 5: A history lesson Page 6: Fertiliser prices Page 7: Grain marketing …

Landline August 2012

This issue: 2011 Planfarm Bankwest …

Landline July 2012

This issue: Page 1: Dry July Page 2: What are your drawings really worth? Page 4: Flu vaccine Page 5: What’s happening to the barley market? Page 8: Looking after your sheep assets Page 9: Planfarm launch Facebook Page 9: Obligatory office …

Landline June 2012

This issue: Page 1: Better late than never Page 2: Why do investors want to buy WA farms? Page 3: Grain marketing tips Page 5: Pesticide application Page 7: Interest …

Landline May 2012

This issue: Page 1: Managing a late start to the season Page 2: Canola EU sustainability Page 3: Grain and Graze lessons for 2012 Page 4: The beer story Page 5: Personal property securities Page 7: Is your overdraft a fixed …

Landline April 2012

This issue: Page 1: Where will our future farmers come from? Page 3: Focus on costs page 3: Maximise your weaning percentage Page 5: Foreign investment in Australian agriculture Page 8: What’s happening with N …

Landline March 2012

This issue: Page 1: Is your cropping programme set up to fail in 2012? Page 3: Machinery Changeovers Page 5: How safe is your farm Page 7: Crop input …

Landline February 2012

This issue: Page 1: 2011 reviews to date Page 3: Welcome to Emily Laing Page 3: Canola hybrids vs OP Page 5: Interest rate outlook for 2012 Page 6: VRT …

Landline November 2011

This issue: Page 1: Harvest loan options Page 4: Wheat quality observations Page 6: Canola variety conclusions for 2011 Page 7: Workplace Relations and your …

Landline October 2011

This issue: Page 1: Who will you rely on to market your grain? Page 4: Weed seed management Page 6: Fertiliser for 2012 Page 8: …

Landline September 2011

This issue: Page 1: Season nearly there – big decisions ahead Page 3: Lessons learnt from the farm resilience program Page 5: The rise of the middle class Page 6: Financial planning service Page 6: Grain marketing and price predictions Page 8: …

Landline August 2011

This issue: Page 1: We live in interesting times Page 3: Increasing stock numbers – what is the best way of doing this? Page 6: Forward Price Wheat Contracts Page 8: Successful Farming …

Landline June 2011

This issue: Page 1: How Green is the Grass? Page 2: Young Herbiguide Reader Page 3: Ovine Johne’s Disease Page 5: Want to Earn 24% pa? Page 6: Mid Season Issues Page 7: Thinking of Expanding? Page 8: Farewell …

Landline July 2011

This issue: 2010 Planfarm Bankwest …

Landline May 2011

This issue: Page 1: Profit v Rainfall Page 4: Grazing Crops – The Essentials Page 7: 30 June Tax & Investment …

Landline April 2011

This issue: Page 1: Carbon Farming Page 3: Managing Employment Relationships Page 5: So You Thought You Had a Debt Problem? Page 6: CBH Extraordinary Meeting Page 7: The Business End of the …

Landline March 2011

This issue: Page 1: Ready Set… Page 2: Why Employ a Grain Marketing Advisor Page 4: Lamb, Well Done Page 7: New Planfarm Marketing Services in …

Landline February 2011

This issue: Page 1: Forward grain prices at near record levels Page 3: It’s possible to control blue lupins selectively in narrow leaf lupins Page 7: DIY …

Landline December 2010

This issue: Page 1: Dealing with Season Breaks Page 4: Paid Parental Leave Page 6: Staying Active Page 7: Grain Marketing Story Page 8: Seasons Greetings Page 8: …

Landline November 2010

This issue: Page 1: New Varieties Update Page 3: Pasture Production Tools Page 4: Fallow – Back to the Future? Page 8: Welcome Danielle …

Landline October 2010

This issue: Page 1: Lessons from the 06-07 droughts Page 3: Early harvest trial results Page 4: Cash prices volatile history Page 5: Grain pooling options for 2010 crop Page 8: Welcome to Peter …

Landline September 2010

This issue: Page 1: Where to from here? page 2: Brazil on the march Page 3: Coping with lower season rainfall Page 6: Fertiliser for 2011 page 7: Commonwealth Seniors Health card Page 7: Drought strategies …

Landline August 2010

This issue: 2009 Planfarm Bankwest p1 …

Landline July 2010

This issue: Page 1: Season on a Knife Edge Page 3: Battle to Beat Wheat Rust Page 5: AACL Funding Page 6: Life Insurance Explained Page 7: Carnage for …

Landline June 2010

This issue: Page 1: State Round Up Page 2: Water the new Oil? Page 4: CBH Quality Trial Page 5: Post Em Nitrogen Tips Page 6: Lick …

Landline May 2010

This issue: Page 1: Good Week All Round Page 2: Drought Support Programme for WA Page 4: Federal Budget 2010 Page 6: Twittering About Sheep Page 7: Ballooning Government …

Landline April 2010

This issue: Page 1: To Sow or not to Sow? Page 2: Quick Guide to Government …

Landline March 2010

This issue: Page 1: All About Costs Page 4: Soil Acidity and Liming Page 5: ABC’s of Saving for Children’s Education Page 7: Glyphosate Use Page 8: Landline to go …

Landline February 2010

This issue: Page 1: Batten Down the Hatches Page 2: The Aged Pension and the Family Farm Page 5: MIG Trial Review Page 7: Autumn Client Seminars Page 8: Welcome Ben …

Landline December 2009

This issue: Page 1: Efficient Use of Farm Business Capital page 5: Importance of a Holiday Page 6: How much do you need to Retire on? Page 8: Farewell …

Landline November 2009

This issue: Page 1: Variety Considerations for 2010 page 5: Fertilising Comparisons for 2010 Page 6: Did You Know? Page 7: Labour Cost Survey Page 10: Planfarm …

Landline October 2009

This issue: Page 1: Looking beyond harvest Page 3: Harvest 2009 Page 5: A letter from NZ Page 6: Worker’s Comp Ins Page 8: Public Liability …

Landline September 2009

This issue: The 2008 Planfarm BankWest …

Landline August 2009

This issue: Page 1: Roundup Ready, Set, Go Page 5: The US Consumer Page 7: Grain Market Outlook for 2009/2010 …

Landline July 2009

This issue: Page 1: Grain Logistics Page 3: Growing Grain for Ethanol in WA Page 4: Bank Margins Page 6: Crop Productivity Improvements Page 7: Doing Business with China Page 8: Fertiliser Prices for 2010 Page 8: Farewell Andrew …

Landline June 2009

This issue: Page 1: Disc Seeding Put to Test at Mingenew Page 3: Count Conference \ Page 4: Myths and Mistakes Investors Make Page 7: What Happens to your Super when you …

Landline May 2009

This issue: Page 1: Agriculture Managed Investment Schemes Page 3: Water and Food Supply Page 4: The Winds of Change Page 5: Budget Treading on Dangerous Ground Page 6: Nitrogen – The Price of Risk Page 8: A Bright Idea for a Burning …

Landline April 2009

This issue: Page 1: A Global Perspective Page 4: Gross Margins for Wheatbelt 2009 Page 6: Some Thoughts on Farming …

Landline March 2009

This issue: Page 1: The Lucky Country Page 2: 2008 Historical Summary Page 4: Key Points from 2009 Crop Updates Page 5: On Your Blocks Page 6: Central Region Crop Margins Page 7: Hedging Price – What are p7 you …

Landline February 2009

This issue: Page 1: Looking Ahead Page 3: Global Warming and Your Farm Business Page 7: Investment Allowance on New Machinery Page 8: Why Would You Own a …

Landline October 2008

This issue: Page 1: Food for Thought Page 2: Harvest Pools Page 4: Plant Breeding in Australia Page 7: Wheat Marketing Developments Page 8: …

Landline August 2008

This issue: Page 1: Regional Cropping Update Page 4: Planfarm BankWest Benchmarks Page 16: …

Landline March 2008

This issue: Page 1: The Perfect (Financial) Storm Page 3: Maximising Area or Inputs Page 6: Buloke and Vlamingh – Decision Pending Page 7: Nitrogen Timing on Barley Page 8: Farewell Ben …

Landline December 2007

This issue: Page 1: The Wheat Market in 2008 Page 3: Coarse Grain Outlook Page 4: New Grain Marketing Package Page 5: Cereal Seed Storage Page 6: Managing Your Capital in …

Landline August 2007

This issue: Page 1: The feeding of Pelleted feed rations to sheep Page 4: What is the Professional Choice Managed Pool Page 5: A Guide to Aged and Community …

Landline September 2006

This issue: Page 1: Selling wheat in 2006 Page 3: 2007 Fertiliser Strategies Page 6: Grasshoppers Page 8: ‘Super’ …

Landline August 2006

This issue: Page 1: The WA Farm Business Survey Page 2: About Page 3: Historic Profit Data Page 8: The Top 25% Group Page 9: The Sheep Enterprise Page 16: The Last …

Landline April 2006

This issue: Page 1: All Systems go (almost) for 2006 Page 2: AWB Saga Part III Page 2: Farm Consultants bitten by farming bug Page 3: It’s Raining Nitrogen Page 4: Super Co-Contribution Page 5: Self Managed Super Funds Page 6: Seeding Machinery Also enclosed: 2006 Planfarm Herbicide Guide The Count …

Landline March 2006

This issue: Page 1: Profitable Pastures Page 3: Thoughts on Succesion Planning Page 5: Preparing for Retirement Page 6: Insects in 2006 Page 7: Cashflow or …

Landline October 2004

This issue: Page 1: Root lesion nematodes Page 3: Wheat Marketing Decisions Page 6: Early Payment Bonus Page 7: Frost Breakthrough Page 8: The Higher Bandwidth …

Landline July 1998

In this issue: Page 1: Many a slip Page 2: 1997 Planfarm Survey Page 2: The Stockpile and All That Page 3: 1997 Survey Page 24: 1998 Planfarm Tour Page 25: AWB Ltd Page 25: AGCON 2000..A Vision for the Next Century Page 25: Grain Guard Page 26: …

Landline November 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Only Three Things Certain Page 2: The Extended Payment Option Page 2: February Payment on 1996/97 Pool Page 3: Strategy Page 4: Budget Time Looms Again Page 4: PYFL ….. The One You Should Pay! Page 6: Current Grain Prices Page 6: Planfarm Investment Services Page 7: Budget Prices for 1998 Page 7: …

Landline October 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Getting Hot In The Kitchen Page 2: The Value Of The Dollar Page 3: Grain prices Page 6: Anthracnose Update Page 7: Crop varieties for 1998 Page 12: Cheap Freight Page 13: 84th Annual Merredin Station Field day Page 14: Estimation Crop Yields Page 16: …

Landline September 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Saved By The Bell Page 2: Wheat Prices Page 4: Cheaper Options For Fertiliser Page 11: Planfarm Profitable Farming Tour Page 13: Head in The Sand … And Deep At That Page 14: …

Landline March 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Angropolitics Page 2: Grain Prices Page 2: Achieving High Yields Page 3: Lupin Seeding Rates Page 4: Beat The Dust Page 5: Beware Tax on Capital Gain Page 5: The Cost of Borrowing Page 6: NIR…Not Immediately Ready Page 6: Measure of Business Health Page 11: …

Landline November 1996

In this issue: Page 1: More Anthracnose Page 3: Outstanding Yield Page 3: Wheat Prices Page 4: Grain Prices Page 6: AAC (WA) Inc Outlook Seminar Page 8: Soil Testing The Easy Way Page 9: The Cost of Distance Page 11: Wooltwine Page 11: Farm Safety Page 12: …

Landline October 1996

In this issue: Page 1: Compensation Page 2: Grain Prices Page 5: Seed is Cheap Page 6: Crop Variety Recommendations for 1997 Page 9: Ag-Records Page 10: Harvesting Patterns Page 10: Wongan Hills research Station Field Days Page 12: Merredin Research Station Field Day Page 13: …

Landline October 1995

In this issue: Page 1: How Far Will It Go? Page 2: Harvest Payments Page 4: Crop Insurance Page 5: What Will You Do With It? Page 5: Protein Marketing Page 6: Saving On Fertiliser Page 7: Liming for 1996 Page 8: The Sulphur Story Page 8: Field Days Page 10: The Potential of Grain Legumes & Canola for Animal Production Page 12: Reminders Page 12: …

Landline September 1995

In this issue: Page 1: Hang on to Your Hats Page 2: Six Months Interest … But Who Pays? Page 3: Touring in 1996 Page 4: Fertilisers for 1996 Page 9: Apology Re Planfarm Survey Page 10: Who’s Who In The Wool Industry Page 10: …

Landline February 1995

In this issue: Page 1: Another Year, Another Challenge Page 2: Wheat Payments Page 3: Changes to Planfarm Team Page 3: More Water More Grain? Page 4: Summer/ Autumn Sheep Nutrition Page 8: Thousands of Dollars Saved Page 9: Is Gypsum Useful? Page 11: How Well Off are Farmers? Page 13: Sheep Memo Page 13: …

Landline December 1994

In this issue: Page 1: Five to Go Page 2: Interest Rates on Deposit Funds Page 3: Robert Sewell Responds Page 5: Grain Payments Page 7: The Good Old Days Page 9: Merry …

Landline December 1993

In this issue: Page 1: Farewell ’93 Welcome ’94 Page 1: Budget Time Again Page 2: Grain Payments Page 2: Lupin Varieties Page 3: Faba Beans Page 4: Alternative Crops Page 4: Seed Viability Page 5: Awassi Sheep Page 8: Ryegrass Resistance Page 8: faxes and Computer Page 9: Agcon 94 Page 9: Merry Christmas Page 10: …

Landline November 1993

In this issue: Page 1: ASW10 Wheat Page 2: Crop Varieties for 1994 Page 5: Lupin Seed Page 6: Computer & Fax Discounts Page 6: Awassi Project Page 6: Wills Page 6: Soil Nutrition Decisions Page 9: …

Landline October 1993

In this issue: Page 1: Wheat Prices Page 3: Cutting Costs & Increasing Profits Page 4: Stubble Retention Page 7: The Cost of Getting Wethers on the Boat Page 7: Management Quiz Page 8: Fertliser for …

Landline December 1992

In this issue: Page 1: A Year Nearer 2000 Page 2: Wheat Quality and Mixing Page 2: Budget Time Again Page 4: Rainfall Chart Page 4: Grain Prices & Pool Payments Page 4: The W.I.Fund..A Capital Decision Page 5: Fertiliser Options Page 7: Merry Christmas to All Our …

Landline November 1992

In this issue: Page 1: The Wheat Industry Levy Page 3: Rampant Radish Page 4: Sheep Can Be Profitable – Are You Really Trying? Page 6: Are Cattle Worth a Go? Page 9: Don’t Feed Your Dog …

Landline December 1991

In this issue: Page 1: Confidence Returning Page 2: The Budget Season Page 2: Resistant Ryegrass Page 3: Agcon 92 Page 3: The Trade Cycle Page 4: RAFCO Page 4: Sowing Rates Page 5: I Remember When Page 6: Dam Farming Page 7: Feeding The Weaners Page 9: Merry …

Landline August 1991

In this issue: Page 1: Keep Your Seatbelts Fastened Page 2: 50% Discount on 1992 Weed Spray Page 3: New Team Member Page 3: Planfarm Field Day/ Seminar Page 4: Wool Quality (Micron Fibra Distribution) Page 7: 1990 Planfarm …

Landline April 1991

In this issue: Page 1: On The Up Page 2: The Guarantee That Isn’t Page 2: Wheat or Sheep Page 3: Wheat Varieties and the Noodle Question Page 4: Herbicides for 1991 Page 19: Herbicide …

Landline December 1990

In this issue: Page 1: Congratulations Page 1: Budget Time Page 2: RAFCOR Page 2: Interest Rates Page 2: Crop Varieties Page 4: The Wheat Price Page 4: The Sheep Slaughter Scheme Page 5: Taxation Page 6: Management Quiz Page 7: A Merry Christmas To All …

Landline November 1990

In this issue: Page 1: Further Assistance Page 1: The Wool Industry ….. Painful Options Page 5: Savings on Your Biggest Cost Page 8: Exchange Rates and The Wheat Prices Page 9: Protein Content and Reeves v Kulin Page 10: More …

Landline June 1990

In this issue: Page 1: Wheat Pool Payments Page 2: The Great Wool Debate Page 3: Sheep Strategy for Maintaining Profitability Page 6: Pasture Manipulation Page 7: Insect Pests Page 8: Interest on Commercial …

Landline February 1990

In this issue: Page 1: Wheat Research Committee of WA Page 2: Wheat Pool Payments – The Options Page 3: Summer Weed Control Page 4: Fertiliser Prices Page 4: Fertiliser Refunds Page 5: Wheat Varieties for 1990 Page 10: The Danger of Crying Wolf Page 12: The History of Farm Management Consulting in …

Landline December 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Congratulations Page 1: AGCON 90 Page 2: Budget Preparation Page 2: Estimated Grain Payments Page 3: Reflections and Resolutions Page 1: Salt-Land Reclamation – A Totally New Approach Page 5: Management Checklist Page 6: Landline Subscription Rate Page 6: Seasons …

Landline November 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Delaying Wheat Returns Page 2: Agcon – 90 Page 2: Wool Clip Analysis Page 5: Remnant Vegetation Scheme Page 6: Organising Your PIBA Loan Page 7: Expansion of Planfarm Services Page 8: Summer/Autumn Sheep Feeding Page 9: Investment Housekeeping Page 10: The 12 Days of …

Landline October 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Grain Prices 1989 Harvest Page 2: Gungurru Lupins Page 3: Future Shock – Alvin Toffler Page 5: Crop Varieties for 1990 Page 9: Shearing Merino Lams – An Economic One? Page 11: Situation …

Landline September 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Gungurru Lupins Page 2: Beware The Con Man Page 2: Discounted Weed Spray Page 2: Wheat Industry Levy Page 3: The Cockchafer Problem Page 4: Australia’s Current Account Deficit Page 5: Budworm Control Page 6: Grain protein on the South …

Landline July 1989

In this issue: Page 1: You Have Been Warned Page 2: Urea Topdressing – Don’t Wait Page 3: Wheat Marketing – A New Era Page 5: Yield Prospects for 1989 Page 8: Land Clearing Page 8: Another Tax Page 9: Wool Prices Page 10: Farms in the …

Landline May 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Welcome to Murray Ralph Page 1: What Price Wheat from the Coming Harvest Page 5: Management Priorities Page 6: Herbicides for …

Landline December 1988

In this issue: Page 1: And So to 1989 Page 3: Money for Jam Page 3: Budget Time Again Page 4: Management Quiz Page 4: Enterprise Margins on The South Coast Page 7: Research Priorities Page 7: Are Deer Too …

Landline November 1988

In this issue: Page 1: Which Lupins in 1989 Page 3: Clean Lupin Seed a Must Page 3: Computers for 1989 Page 5: What Price Fertiliser Page 6: How’s Your Copper Status Page 7: Merredin Research Field Day Page 9: Crop Varieties for …

Landline June 1988

In this issue: Page 1: Opportunities for Decision or Where are you Going? Page 4: May Economic Statement Page 6: Take Advantage of Good Opening Rains Page 7: Worst Wind for Fifty Years Page 7: Fertiliser Prices and Timing of Purchase Page 8: Wool Testing Page 13: Which Depreciation …

Landline December 1987

In this issue: Page 1: Looking to 1988 Page 2: ABARE Outlook for 1988 Page 3: Computers Page 3: Using Your Money Page 5: Fertiliser Page 8: Dept. of Agriculture Direct Mail Service Mail Service Page 8: Management …

Landline November 1987

In this issue: Page 1: Early Harvest – Early Budgets Page 1: 50% Return on Farm Investment Page 2: Weaners are Worth Something Page 3: Feeding Hail Damaged Crops Page 5: Serena Medic for the Eastern Wheatbelt Page 7: Wheat & Sheep or Sheep & …

Landline September 1987

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Grain Prices Page 2: Crop Insurance Page 3: Provisional Tax Demand Page 3: Computer Update Page 4: Observations from the Current Wool Market Page 6: Grass Control Page 6: Lupin and Pests Page 8: Saving Header Tyres (and repair …

Landline August 1987

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Seasonal Strategy Page 2: Pea Tour Page 4: Planfarm Field Day Page 4: Term Loan Interest Rates Page 5: Management Quiz Page 6: Farm Trees] Page 6: Planfarm …

Landline May 1987

In this issue: Page 1: An Opening of Opportunity Page 2: 1987 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Budget Update Page 3: Grazing Lupins Page 3: New Herbicides for Radish in Lupins Page 4: Weed Control with Pre-Emergents Page 11: Lupin-Aphid-Virus Page 12: The Value of Pasture in the …

Landline April 1987

In this issue: Page 1: Management for Progress Page 2: Changes in Tax Payment Time Page 3: The Modern Little Red Hen Page 4: Copper Deficiency in Wheat Page 7: Management Quiz Page 8: Farm …

Landline March 1987

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 And All That Page 4: Mixed News for Pool Payments Page 4: Management Quiz Page 6: How to Buy Fertiliser? Page 7: ‘Another Wool Boom’ Page 9: Mandate to Govern Page 11: Lupin Seed Tests Page 12: An Analysis of Farm Machinery Investment and Efficiency in the Wheatbelt area of Western …

Landline December 1986

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 And All That Page 2: Offsetting Interest Charges Page 4: Weaner Feeding Page 4: Fertiliser Decision Page 6: …

Landline November 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Crop Yields and Farm Viability Page 3: Crop Varieties 1987 Page 6: Deep Rip Cheaper Page 8: Planfarm Survey 1986 Page 8: Rural Land Values and …

Landline October 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Crop Insurance Page 2: Future Shock for Agriculture Page 4: Planfarm Seminar Proceedings Page 4: Fertiliser Prices Page 5: Save Money by Spending It Page 7: Grazing Stubbles – Lupins and Cereals Page 8: Sheep – Hand Feeding Page 8: Reminder – CBH Delivery Discs Page 9: 1986 Planfarm …

Landline September 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Grain prices Page 2: Fees for the Wheatbelt Page 5: 4th International Lupin Conference – Geraldton Page 7: Reducing Spray Costs and Increasing What Yields Page 8: Lambing Time and Supplementary Feeding Page 9: Green …

Landline August 1986

In this issue: Page 1: 1986 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Grain Prices Page 3: Budget Review Mid 1986 Page 4: Lupinotesis Page 5: Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Page 9: Shippers @ $10 Page 12: Pests in Later Development of Lupin Crops Page 14: Changes to Clover Certification …

Landline June 1986

In this issue: Page 1: 1986 Planfarm Seminar Page 1: The Fringe Benefits Tax – FBT Page 3: Row Spacing & Yield Page 3: Insect Pests Page 5: A.I.P.P. Page 6: Post Emergent …

Landline July 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Grazing Lupins Page 1: Things are Tough Page 2: Substantiation and Fringe Benefits Tax Page 10: Tree Planting from …

Landline May 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Budget Update Page 2: How Good are Your Nerves Page 3: Pre-Emergent Chemical Weed Control Page 12: AWB Seminar – …

Landline April 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Positive Thinking Page 2: Interest Rates & Farm Finance Page 3: Lupin Germination Page 3: Petrol Rebate – For Off Road Use Page 3: Spray Prices Page 4: Moora Seed Seminar Page 6: Economic …

Landline January 1986

In this issue: Page 1: The Power of Politics Page 2: Update on Wheat Prices Page 4: Factors Influencing the Debt-Servicing of West Australian Wheatbelt Farm Businesses Page 5: More …

Landline December 1985

In this issue: Page 1: You’ve Heard It All Before Page 2: Grain Outlook Good for 1996 Page 3: Don’t Waste Your Credit Page 4: Windrowing Canola – An Investment Page 4: How Long Will The Wool Market Hold Page 5: Heads In The Sand Page 6: Lambing Percentages Page 7: Merry Christmas to All Page 7: …

Landline November 1985

In this issue: Page 1: Wasting Money Page 2: crop varieties 1986 Page 4: Mortgages Sales and farmer Pressure Groups Page 6: Debt Reconstruction Page 8: Lupin harvest – Contract or Not Page 9: Wheat – Late Delivery and Payment …

Landline September 1985

In this issue: Page 1: New Voice in Perth Page 1: Expansion to Esperance Page 1: Planfarm Client Services Page 2: 1985 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Crop Insurance Page 2: Fertiliser Prices Page 4: Grass Control for 1986 Crop Page 5: 1986 Grain Prices Page 5: 1985 Planfarm …

Landline August 1985

In this issue: Page 1: New Tax on Farmers Page 3: 1985: Lupin Seeding: Post Mortem Page 5: Advanced Management Program Page 7: Farm Employees Award …

Landline June 1985

In this issue: Page 1: Seeding Philosophy Page 2: 1985 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Research Grant Page 2: Power in Agropolitics Page 5: Post Emergent …

Landline March 1985

In this issue: Page 1: Check Wheat payments Page 1: 1984 Gypsum/Lime Trials Page 1: 1985 What Varieties Page 2: Gypsum Test Page 4: How much are you paying Farm Staff? Page 4: Investment – The Quandary Page 6: Review of KFIG Rotations Workshop Page 7: …

Landline December 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Harvest Page 1: Budgeting Page 2: Planfarm Survey Page 16: Seed Treatment Page 19″ Happy …

Landline October 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Crop First Advance 1985 Page 3: Crop Varieties Page 5: 1985 Stock Feed Page 6: Crop Insurance Page 6: Harvesting – Are You Ready? Page 8: Harvesting Losses Page 9: Budworm in Lupins Page 10: …

Landline August 1984

In this issue: Page 1: 1984 Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Congratulations to David Bedbrook Page 2: 1984 Crop First Advances Page 2: 1984 Seeding Post Mortem Page 4: Wage rates Page 4: Paddock Records Page 4: New Tax Law Page 6: Lucerne Flea Page 9: …

Landline June 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Perth Office Page 2: The Cost of your own Semi Page 7: Sheep or Not To Sheep Page 8: Post Emergent Herbicides Page 14: …

Landline April 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Serena Medic for Seed Production Page 2: Stubble Trouble Page 2: Innoculating Lupins Page 3: Tractor Torque Page 4: Grain seminar Page 5: Pre-Emergent Chemical Weed Control Page 14: …

Landline March 1984

In this issue: Page 1: 1984 Strategy Page 3: Pool Payments Page 4: Government Involvement in the Meat Industry Page 9: Submission to Enquiry into Rural Hardship in WA Page 15: …

Landline December 1983

In this issue: Page 1: Lupin harvesting Losses 1983 Page 3: Pig Production in WA Page 7: Comparative Flock policies Page 8: Sheep Page 9: …

Landline November 1983

In this issue: Page 1: Tony Gray joins Planfarm Page 1: Cereal Varieties Page 2: Computer for Hire Page 2: Using Lupin Stubble Page 4: Budgetting – How Good is it? Page 5: The Forgotten Side of the Business Page 6: Deep Ripping Page 10: …

Landline October 1983

In this issue: Page 1: Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Crop First Advances Page 2: Use of Credit Funds Page 3: Fertiliser Prices Page 5: Crop Varieties 1984 Page 6: Internet rates & Off Shore Borrowings Page 6: …

Landline September 1983

In this issue: Page 1: Wheat First Advance Page 2: Computer Price Update Page 2: Sheep Strategy Page 3: Fertiliser Prices Page 3: Planfarm …

Landline April 1982

In this issue: Page 1: Computers and your Business Page 4: Lupins for the new grower Page 7: …

Landline September 1981

In this issue: Page 1: Wongan Seminar Page 1: Fertiiser Price …

Landline August 1981

In this issue: Page 1: Planfarm seminar Page 2: marketing Page 3: I.A.C. Fertiliser Page 4: 1982 Fertiliser Order Page 7: Alkalage Page 8: …

Landline April 1981

In this issue: Page 1: Their Heritage Page 3: Your Track record Page 3: farming for profit in the Wheatbelt Page 4: The Cost of a 1981 Pig Page 7: Rip, Spray or Bust\ Page 12: Stock Feed Page 12: …