Barley There: The Brew-tiful Dilemma of Chasing Malt

Selecting a barley variety can be confusing. Should I select a lower yielding variety that’s malt accredited, and assume the malt premium makes up the yield difference? Or should I forget about chasing malt completely and go for a variety that has the highest possible...

Nuffield Scholarship Luncheon

I attended the Nuffield Scholarship Luncheon on Friday 16th February for the first time. I represented Planfarm as a major sponsor of the event. What a fascinating and rewarding network. Not being from a farming background but having parents who grew up in the Mallee...

Help me if you can, I’m feeling down

“Help me if you can, I’m feeling down And I do appreciate you being ’round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won’t you please, please help me”. In August 1980 John Lennon was interviewed regarding the song Help! He had some very insightful...

The bears have come out of hibernation in the grain market.

Written on 21st February 2024. We have recently seen international and local prices fall away across all grains. What has brought on this bearish mood in the market and what is on the horizon that might reverse or continue the trend? Firstly, as always in ag commodity...