Is the wolf already at the door?

Written by:  Paul Omodei | Farm Business Consultant | 0427 728 566 Around this time last year I wrote an article referencing a trophic cascade (an ecological process which starts at the top of the food chain and tumbles all the way down to the bottom) and specifically...

Growing lupins is a lot like flossing your teeth

Written by:  Nick McKenna | Agronomist | 0427 681 574   Growing lupins is a lot like flossing your teeth. You know its the right thing to do, but you probably don’t enjoy doing it, take any excuse to avoid it, and only realise that you should have done it a lot...

Camera’s on your next boomspray?

Written by:  Peter Newman | Farm Business Consultant | 0427 984 010   Machinery prices are totally bananas these days. Will the price of new gear ever come down? Of course, the dealers are saying no, this is it, get used to it. High machinery prices are here to...

Thumbs Up

Written by:  Nic Sewell | Grain Marketing Advisor | 0436 606 525   You have a contract!! Last month a Canadian farmer was sued for failing to deliver on a contract, as they believed that an emoji could not be used to confirm a legally binding contract. The buyer...

Wind turbines on farms and optimizing the opportunity.

Written by: Cameron Weeks | Farm Business Consultant | 0427 006 944 Ever done a deal that you felt was a great one only to find out that others had done an even better deal with the same person or company? And what if it was substantially better let alone that you...