Tending to Your Mental Health

Written by:  Carter Johnson | Farm Business Consultant | 0429 264 550   How frequently are you tending to the maintenance of your most crucial asset – your mental health? The statistics tell us that two in five Australians over the age of 16 have experienced a...

The Basis for Change

Written by:  Nic Sewell | Grain Marketing Advisor | 0436 606 525 Written on: 29th May 2023   What a ride this past 12 months has been! As I write this newsletter, it is interesting to recall what was happening on this day 12 months ago. The horrendous Ukrainian...

WA Flock Sheep eID Requirements – Are you thinking ahead?

Written by: Glen Brayshaw | Farm Business Consultant & Grain Marketing Advisor | 0437 704 613     Key Points • WA will align with the remainder of Australia by adopting Electronic Identification (eID ear tags) for sheep and goats on 1st January 2025. •...

Comparison is the thief of joy

Written by: Nick McKenna | Agronomist | 0427 681 574     At the time of writing, things are not as rosy as they have been. There is little stored moisture, little rain forecast, and grain prices have fallen from the lofty heights of the past. But there is...