So, who’s powering agriculture?

Written by:  Cameron Weeks | Farm Business Consultant | 0427 006 944   As a sponsor of the recently held Rural Edge ‘Inspire 2023’ conference I was given the chance to represent Planfarm at a speaker and sponsor cocktail party the night before the conference...

12 months of madness

Written by:  Jerome Critch | Grain Marketing Advisor, Director of Planfarm Marketing | 0488 404 848   Written 17th March 2023 If you are holding 2023 wheat swaps and are wondering when to roll them in to cash contracts this article is for you. If you are...

Noticed your grocery bill lately?

Written by: Bronson Gledhill | Farm Business Consultant | 0497 822 681   Times are a changing and broadacre producers throughout the state are becoming accustomed to an unattractive outlook driven by our beloved operating costs (not). But the issue succeeds that...

Wheat Powdery Mildew- what did we learn last year?

Written by:  Nick McKenna | Agronomist | 0427 681 574   Many things in life make no distinction between being late and being wrong. You may have all the best information, an infallible plan and inscrutable logic, but if you get your timing wrong it’s the same as...