Persistence of pre-emergent chemicals

2023 was a cracking drought in many parts, thanks captain obvious!   Figure 1. Total rainfall since the end of 2022 t (Red Line) at Carnamah, compared to previous 18-month periods (Blue Lines). It’s not always fun to set new records! Source:

Soil amelioration makes squillions of dollars

On the 28th of July, 2007, when I was working with the Ag Dept, I set out with Steve Davies and others to put in three mouldboard plough plus lime trials on some sandy soil at Mingenew. I can remember the date because it was a drought year and we needed to wait until...

Late Break Management

First and foremost, let’s recognise the human element here. While it is easy to outline some strategies to best manage late breaks from a keyboard and office, I fully recognise the debilitating process of seeing high workloads, compromised lamb survival, expensive...

Discount on what?

Let’s say that you’re a grower, and you have just spent 3 months of your season caring for and growing a first-grade line of cabbages. Once picked and packed, you approach a buyer and negotiate a price and 30-day terms. Produce is sent off to the buyer with an...