I’ve heard it from a number of industry people over the years, but the general consensus is that a farm manager will have 20-25 years to hone their craft before retiring or handing the reins over to the next generation. So, unless you’re in horticulture, those 20-25...
Following on from Cameron Weeks’s article in the March edition of Landline, I thought it may be useful to provide some insight into what happened in the great southern agricultural region. Following a mixed start to the season, depending on where farmers were...
For the past 20 years a common saying in the commodity space has been “If you build, grow or mine it, China will buy it”. This is still somewhat true (barley and other previous tariffs aside) as the world’s largest importer of almost everything remains a colossus but...
We’re at an exciting stage in WA for all things carbon. We’ve been fielding more enquiries than ever from farmers showing interest in getting involved. This could range all the way from getting a better understanding of emissions produced across their enterprise to...
Across my 20 years with Planfarm, this is my 5th contribution to Landline. Why you may ask? Well, the first article I wrote in my first 3 months with the business led to being threatened with a lawsuit. The second had a major bank demand I put a half-page...