Our Services

Carbon Services


TerraWise has developed a whole of broadacre farm carbon farming solution for application in Australia and in particular Western Australia.

Our Services

Carbon Services
TERRAWISE | TerraWise has developed a whole of broadacre farm carbon farming solution for application in Australia and in particular Western Australia.

Carbon credits with a focus on the broad acre farming sector.

TerraWise is founded on facilitating the generation of carbon credits for the compliance and voluntary carbon credit markets by being a project developer with a focus on the broad acre farming sector in Australia and in particular Western Australia.

The Lee Family
GROWERS AND LAND OWNERS | Explore New Revenue Streams. As a grower and land owner the possibility of carbon farming activities on your arable and non-arable land may lead to the generation of carbon credits.
The Lee Family
OFFSETTERS AND INVESTORS | Emission Offsets / Offset Your Emissions. As an offsetter or investor TerraWise provides you with the opportunity to invest in the generation of carbon credits benefited by verifiable ESG co-benefits.
TerraWise’s unique connection to the broadacre farming sector in Western Australia, by virtue of its shareholder Planfarm ensures that its carbon farming solutions are real from both the perspective of growers/landowners and also investors where the latter is relevant. Importantly, underpinning the TerraWise carbon farming solution is a deep practical understanding of farming and what works and doesn’t work at the farm level along with a deep understanding of relevant carbon farming methodologies.

TerraWise’s domestic activities are focused on the broadacre agricultural sector, predominantly in Western Australia, where TerraWise works with growers/landowners to explore their enterprise’s emissions profile and opportunities for carbon farming. We connect growers/landowners with project partners, and working with growers/landowners design, implement and manage the ongoing requirements of their projects.

Carbon, Climate, Community & Biodiversity Solutions

Carbon farming is not our only focus in what we do as we firmly believe that we have equal and complementary obligations to our stakeholders and society more broadly. TerraWise is committed to the restoration of (non-arable) land to as best as possible its natural state.

Improved Farming Practices

TerraWise is committed to the development of and use of best practice farming practices that may also result in improved soil carbon in land and the abatement of Green House Gas emissions.

Software & Other Solutions

At TerraWise we have developed proprietary processes which are enabled by our software to collect data and assess that data to determine the carbon farming potential of a given farm, and also to design a fit for purpose carbon farming project on that farm.

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about carbon farming and what it might mean to you please contact us or visit the TerraWise website.

Enquire Now

Get in contact with the Planfarm team and find out how we can help you. Fill in the enquiry form below to get started!

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Our Services

Farm Business Consulting

Essentially, we put our 46 years in the business of farming, into your farm business.

Grain Marketing

Grain Marketing goes a long way to justifying our slogan, ‘Partner with Planfarm’.


If you’re a farmer or farming business looking to partner with an Agronomist, the key word to consider here is ‘independent’.


Planfarm’s consulting arm to Horticulture provides farmers and farm businesses with unprecedented access to professional support and data.

Additional Resources

Planfarm offer a number of helpful resources for use by the farming community.