Landline March 2010

This issue: Page 1: All About Costs Page 4: Soil Acidity and Liming Page 5: ABC’s of Saving for Children’s Education Page 7: Glyphosate Use Page 8: Landline to go Electronic

Landline February 2010

This issue: Page 1: Batten Down the Hatches Page 2: The Aged Pension and the Family Farm Page 5: MIG Trial Review Page 7: Autumn Client Seminars Page 8: Welcome Ben Parkin

Landline December 2009

This issue: Page 1: Efficient Use of Farm Business Capital page 5: Importance of a Holiday Page 6: How much do you need to Retire on? Page 8: Farewell 2009

Landline November 2009

This issue: Page 1: Variety Considerations for 2010 page 5: Fertilising Comparisons for 2010 Page 6: Did You Know? Page 7: Labour Cost Survey Page 10: Planfarm Appointments

Landline October 2009

This issue: Page 1: Looking beyond harvest Page 3: Harvest 2009 Page 5: A letter from NZ Page 6: Worker’s Comp Ins Page 8: Public Liability Ins