Landline August 1984

In this issue: Page 1: 1984 Planfarm Seminar Page 1: Congratulations to David Bedbrook Page 2: 1984 Crop First Advances Page 2: 1984 Seeding Post Mortem Page 4: Wage rates Page 4: Paddock Records Page 4: New Tax Law Page 6: Lucerne Flea Page 9:...

Landline June 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Perth Office Page 2: The Cost of your own Semi Page 7: Sheep or Not To Sheep Page 8: Post Emergent Herbicides Page 14: Summary

Landline April 1984

In this issue: Page 1: Serena Medic for Seed Production Page 2: Stubble Trouble Page 2: Innoculating Lupins Page 3: Tractor Torque Page 4: Grain seminar Page 5: Pre-Emergent Chemical Weed Control Page 14: Summary

Landline March 1984

In this issue: Page 1: 1984 Strategy Page 3: Pool Payments Page 4: Government Involvement in the Meat Industry Page 9: Submission to Enquiry into Rural Hardship in WA Page 15: Summary

Landline December 1983

In this issue: Page 1: Lupin harvesting Losses 1983 Page 3: Pig Production in WA Page 7: Comparative Flock policies Page 8: Sheep Page 9: Summary