Landline February 2012

This issue: Page 1: 2011 reviews to date Page 3: Welcome to Emily Laing Page 3: Canola hybrids vs OP Page 5: Interest rate outlook for 2012 Page 6: VRT farming

Landline November 2011

This issue: Page 1: Harvest loan options Page 4: Wheat quality observations Page 6: Canola variety conclusions for 2011 Page 7: Workplace Relations and your responsibilities

Landline October 2011

This issue: Page 1: Who will you rely on to market your grain? Page 4: Weed seed management Page 6: Fertiliser for 2012 Page 8: GIWA

Landline September 2011

This issue: Page 1: Season nearly there – big decisions ahead Page 3: Lessons learnt from the farm resilience program Page 5: The rise of the middle class Page 6: Financial planning service Page 6: Grain marketing and price predictions Page 8:...

Landline August 2011

This issue: Page 1: We live in interesting times Page 3: Increasing stock numbers – what is the best way of doing this? Page 6: Forward Price Wheat Contracts Page 8: Successful Farming Seminars