Landline February 2011

This issue: Page 1: Forward grain prices at near record levels Page 3: It’s possible to control blue lupins selectively in narrow leaf lupins Page 7: DIY superannuation

Landline December 2010

This issue: Page 1: Dealing with Season Breaks Page 4: Paid Parental Leave Page 6: Staying Active Page 7: Grain Marketing Story Page 8: Seasons Greetings Page 8: Summary

Landline November 2010

This issue: Page 1: New Varieties Update Page 3: Pasture Production Tools Page 4: Fallow – Back to the Future? Page 8: Welcome Danielle England

Landline October 2010

This issue: Page 1: Lessons from the 06-07 droughts Page 3: Early harvest trial results Page 4: Cash prices volatile history Page 5: Grain pooling options for 2010 crop Page 8: Welcome to Peter Eliott-Lockhart

Landline September 2010

This issue: Page 1: Where to from here? page 2: Brazil on the march Page 3: Coping with lower season rainfall Page 6: Fertiliser for 2011 page 7: Commonwealth Seniors Health card Page 7: Drought strategies 2011