Landline May 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Dust Storm to Deluge! Page 2: Fall Armyworm China’s Barley Tariff Page 8: No knockdown, no worries – more research from SA Page 10: Are newer machines cheaper to run?

Landline April 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Farm businesses could teach other businesses a thing or two Page 2: Future Funding for your Children’s Education Page 6: Making sure farm investments with longer pay back periods are worthwhile Page 9: Oil Futures Fall Below zero Page 11:...

Landline March 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: From the MD Page 3: Agronomic update including implications of COVID-19 Page 7: Overseas workers joining the farm… what are the implications of COVID-19 Page 10: Thank (God I am) a Farmer Page 11: Consulting Services in a world which is...

Landline February 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Tight cashflow and interrogations of cost Page 6: Alternative sources of funding Page 10: Pigging out, or out of pigs? Page 15: Livestock Integration Page 18: What is YOUR cost of Harvest Weed Seed Control?

Landline December 2019

In This Issue: Page 1: WHEAT- Sell or Hold? Page 3: Stock Water In Dry Times Page 6: How much profit are you throwing out the back of your harvester? Page 10: Some selective reflections on the season and for the festive one coming