In This Issue: Page 1: Myths vs Facts; What does the APVMA do? Page 5: National On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme. Page 6: No-Till and Beyond Page 10: African Swine Fever – What is it, and how will markets respond? Page 11: Bringing on the next...
In This Issue: Page 1: GM Canola Prices – Collateral Damage Page 3: From 2018 to 2019. Could this be a year of contrasts? Page 5: Feeding and Managing Sheep in Dry Times Page 14: AgriClime – you have probably already paid for it Page 18: Grow competitive crops. More...
In This Issue: Page 1: Tariff-eying times for Australian barley Page 6: New Chemistry for Broadacre Cropping Page 7: Future aged care financial requirements Page 9: Is the wheat belt turning into the barley belt? Page 12: The latest in Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Page...
In This Issue: Page 1: Grain Marketing Swaps Page 4: The banking Royal Commission: The recommendations that affect agriculture Page 7: Planfarm Introduces Stephen Cocking now working in the Esperance region Page 8: Observations across the Tasman Sea Page 11: Planfarm...
In This Issue: Page 1: Looking forward Page 2: 2,4-D: The backbone of many good knockdown brews Page 8: Greg Kirk in the final days with Planfarm. Page 9: There’s gold (lime) in them thar hills (valleys)! Page 11: Now is an opportune time to review the 2018 season...