In this issue: Page 1: Embrace the Digital Natives Page 3: Grain Market Opportunities further out Page 4: Leading your Farm Business – what sort of leader do you aspire to be? Page 7: Farming ahead: how to build a carbon-smart strategy Page 10: Celebrating 50...
In this issue: Page 1: Late Break Management Page 4: Soil amelioration makes squillions of dollars Page 6: There is no point sitting on the ISCC fence – you will just get splinters Page 8: Persistence of preemergent chemicals Page 10: How big should you go? How to...
In this issue: Page 1: Deep Wins, Shallow Losses – A Coaching Philosophy Page 3: Carbon Farming Opportunities – Lessons from on the ground Page 5: For all the grain in China Page 7: Overcoming Challenges, Planning Strategies Page 8: Data-wrangling: Harnessing the...
In this issue: Page 1: Farmers you need to manage not just hope! Page 3: The bears have come out of hibernation in the grain market. Page 4: Help me if you can, I’m feeling down. Page 6: Nuffield Scholarship Luncheon Page 7: Navigating the Path to Resilient...
In this issue: Page 1: Time to regroup. Page 3: Insights that sow success: How operating efficiency targets differ between agricultural industries. Page 5: What are our plans for high school education? Page 6: Someday – This will all be yours. Page 8: Happiest of New...