Landline April 2016

In This issue: Page 1: The Budget we deserve? Page 3: Angled seeding for better establishment Page 6: Electronic identification in sheep Page 9: Adding a little cream to your business Page 11: According to the book of deciles

Landline March 2016

In This issue: Page 1: CBH Rejects AGC Proposal Page 3: Early Sowing Decisions? Page 5: The Principles of Carrying Grain Page 9: The iHSD is here! Page 12: Ready for 2016

Landline February 2016

In This issue: Page 1: AGC Proposal to CBH. Page 3: To Weedseeker or to not Weedseeker? Page 5: Simple Feed Budgeting for the Break of Season. Page 8: Grain marketing options in the current market. Page 10: New faces at Planfarm.

Landline December 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Eyes Wide Shut Page 2: Rain at harvest can affect your Lupin Germination. Test your seed now Page 3: Is having a grain cleaner another one percenter? Page 5: Tick the correct boxes for better returns Page 5: Heads Up Page 6: What is the best...

Landline November 2015

In This issue: Page 1: What we can all do Page 2: Should Farms Expand? Page 9: Soil Testing. How Deep should I go? Page 11: Wool. The Comeback Commodity?