Landline July 2014

This issue: Page 1: On Farm Storage Analysis Page 5: When can I change to 2, 4D? Page 7: Planning for Variability Page 9: Sow West Young Man Page 11: Nitrogen Top Ups

Landline June 2014

This issue: Page 1: A Wonderful Start – make the most of it. Page 3: When, What and How? Page 4: Volatilization of Urea Page 5: Sclerotinia in Canola II

Landline May 2014

This issue: Page 1: Water, Water and more Water! Page 4: The Art of Deferred Grazing Page 6: Some Food for Thought on Housing Page 10: The Rules of the Game p4 p6 p10

Landline July 1998

In this issue: Page 1: Many a slip Page 2: 1997 Planfarm Survey Page 2: The Stockpile and All That Page 3: 1997 Survey Page 24: 1998 Planfarm Tour Page 25: AWB Ltd Page 25: AGCON 2000..A Vision for the Next Century Page 25: Grain Guard Page 26:...