Landline May 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Current Issues Page 3: Getting the best out of your Legume Pastures Page 6: Premier’s ANZAC Student Tour 2015 Page 9: Developments in Planfarm Marketing

Landline April 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Six for getting more from your day Page 4: Soil Testing & Nitrogen Page 6: Building Wealth Page 8: Unwritten Rules Page 10: Oats – Decile 9 or 6

Landline March 2015

In This issue: Page 1: Managing for Profit Page 4: Ryegrass Seedbank Obsession Page 6: Grain Buyers as ‘Financiers’ Page 8: Electronic Herbicide Guide

Landline February 2015

This issue: Page 1: Crop Updates Papers Page 5: The Oat Market in WA Page 6: Investing or Forecasting

Landline December 2014

This issue: Page 1: Rain into Grain Page 5: Spot spraying v. blanket spraying Page 7: Prevent further expense Page 10: Don’t leave money on the table Page 12: New kid on the block Page 14: Have your cake and eat it too