Landline November 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Only Three Things Certain Page 2: The Extended Payment Option Page 2: February Payment on 1996/97 Pool Page 3: Strategy Page 4: Budget Time Looms Again Page 4: PYFL ….. The One You Should Pay! Page 6: Current Grain Prices Page 6: Planfarm...

Landline October 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Getting Hot In The Kitchen Page 2: The Value Of The Dollar Page 3: Grain prices Page 6: Anthracnose Update Page 7: Crop varieties for 1998 Page 12: Cheap Freight Page 13: 84th Annual Merredin Station Field day Page 14: Estimation Crop Yields...

Landline September 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Saved By The Bell Page 2: Wheat Prices Page 4: Cheaper Options For Fertiliser Page 11: Planfarm Profitable Farming Tour Page 13: Head in The Sand … And Deep At That Page 14: Summary

Landline March 1997

In this issue: Page 1: Angropolitics Page 2: Grain Prices Page 2: Achieving High Yields Page 3: Lupin Seeding Rates Page 4: Beat The Dust Page 5: Beware Tax on Capital Gain Page 5: The Cost of Borrowing Page 6: NIR…Not Immediately Ready Page 6: Measure of...

Landline November 1996

In this issue: Page 1: More Anthracnose Page 3: Outstanding Yield Page 3: Wheat Prices Page 4: Grain Prices Page 6: AAC (WA) Inc Outlook Seminar Page 8: Soil Testing The Easy Way Page 9: The Cost of Distance Page 11: Wooltwine Page 11: Farm Safety Page 12:...