Landline September 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Gungurru Lupins Page 2: Beware The Con Man Page 2: Discounted Weed Spray Page 2: Wheat Industry Levy Page 3: The Cockchafer Problem Page 4: Australia’s Current Account Deficit Page 5: Budworm Control Page 6: Grain protein on the South...

Landline July 1989

In this issue: Page 1: You Have Been Warned Page 2: Urea Topdressing – Don’t Wait Page 3: Wheat Marketing – A New Era Page 5: Yield Prospects for 1989 Page 8: Land Clearing Page 8: Another Tax Page 9: Wool Prices Page 10: Farms in the...

Landline May 1989

In this issue: Page 1: Welcome to Murray Ralph Page 1: What Price Wheat from the Coming Harvest Page 5: Management Priorities Page 6: Herbicides for 1989

Landline December 1988

In this issue: Page 1: And So to 1989 Page 3: Money for Jam Page 3: Budget Time Again Page 4: Management Quiz Page 4: Enterprise Margins on The South Coast Page 7: Research Priorities Page 7: Are Deer Too Dear?

Landline November 1988

In this issue: Page 1: Which Lupins in 1989 Page 3: Clean Lupin Seed a Must Page 3: Computers for 1989 Page 5: What Price Fertiliser Page 6: How’s Your Copper Status Page 7: Merredin Research Field Day Page 9: Crop Varieties for...