Landline May 1987

In this issue: Page 1: An Opening of Opportunity Page 2: 1987 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Budget Update Page 3: Grazing Lupins Page 3: New Herbicides for Radish in Lupins Page 4: Weed Control with Pre-Emergents Page 11: Lupin-Aphid-Virus Page 12: The Value of Pasture in...

Landline April 1987

In this issue: Page 1: Management for Progress Page 2: Changes in Tax Payment Time Page 3: The Modern Little Red Hen Page 4: Copper Deficiency in Wheat Page 7: Management Quiz Page 8: Farm training

Landline March 1987

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 And All That Page 4: Mixed News for Pool Payments Page 4: Management Quiz Page 6: How to Buy Fertiliser? Page 7: ‘Another Wool Boom’ Page 9: Mandate to Govern Page 11: Lupin Seed Tests Page 12: An Analysis of Farm Machinery...

Landline December 1986

In this issue: Page 1: 1987 And All That Page 2: Offsetting Interest Charges Page 4: Weaner Feeding Page 4: Fertiliser Decision Page 6: Summary

Landline November 1986

In this issue: Page 1: Crop Yields and Farm Viability Page 3: Crop Varieties 1987 Page 6: Deep Rip Cheaper Page 8: Planfarm Survey 1986 Page 8: Rural Land Values and Profitability