Landline December 1985

In this issue: Page 1: You’ve Heard It All Before Page 2: Grain Outlook Good for 1996 Page 3: Don’t Waste Your Credit Page 4: Windrowing Canola – An Investment Page 4: How Long Will The Wool Market Hold Page 5: Heads In The Sand Page 6: Lambing...

Landline November 1985

In this issue: Page 1: Wasting Money Page 2: crop varieties 1986 Page 4: Mortgages Sales and farmer Pressure Groups Page 6: Debt Reconstruction Page 8: Lupin harvest – Contract or Not Page 9: Wheat – Late Delivery and Payment...

Landline September 1985

In this issue: Page 1: New Voice in Perth Page 1: Expansion to Esperance Page 1: Planfarm Client Services Page 2: 1985 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Crop Insurance Page 2: Fertiliser Prices Page 4: Grass Control for 1986 Crop Page 5: 1986 Grain Prices Page 5: 1985 Planfarm...

Landline August 1985

In this issue: Page 1: New Tax on Farmers Page 3: 1985: Lupin Seeding: Post Mortem Page 5: Advanced Management Program Page 7: Farm Employees Award 1985

Landline June 1985

In this issue: Page 1: Seeding Philosophy Page 2: 1985 Planfarm Seminar Page 2: Research Grant Page 2: Power in Agropolitics Page 5: Post Emergent Herbicides