Landline December 2021

In this issue: Page 1: Fertiliser prices, 2021/22 swap losses, 2022/23 hedging strategies and crop rotations – have I got it all covered for you!! Page 4: Planfarms strategy for dealing with high fertiliser and grain prices Page 9: New WHS laws mean farm businesses...

Landline November 2021

In this issue: Page 1: Farm labour – you know you are all competing, don’t you? Page 4: Setting up for success Page 7: Strip and disc update Page 11: The Science of Making Bad Decisions Page 13: Effective tax planning starts at harvest Page 15: Plant and Equipment...

Landline October 2021

In this issue: Page 1: The smart farmer will approach 2022 cautiously! Page 3: Karoshi – Japanese word meaning ‘worked to death’! Page 4: Show Me the Money, Lowering Harvest Losses Page 5: More on harvest losses – Canola, reap what you sow Page 6: Farm Labour Salaries...

Landline August 2021

In this issue: Page 1: WA Fertility Trends – some very interesting insights from CSBP Page 3: Fertiliser and your future decisions Page 6: Mice – Numbers Increasing fast! Page 7: Machinery Investment – Benchmarks measures Page 8: Planfarm welcomes Jacquie Warr to the...