Landline December 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Taking stock of 2020 & planning for 2021 & beyond Page 3: Harvest Strategy Page 6: What happened to our basis and where to from here? Page 10: Confinement Feeding – Part 2 Page 12: No resistance to herbicide mixes Page 16: A Christmas...

Landline October 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: Looking to buy farm land in a booming land market? Make sure you can genuinely afford it! Page 3: A faster horse or a Model T? Page 7: Your Grain Marketing Harvest Toolbox. Page 9: What is my Carbon footprint? Page 12: A dive into the 10-year...

Landline September 2020

In This Issue: Page 1: So how has the wheatbelt fared? Page 3: Planfarm Sheep Benchmarks 2019-2020. Page 5: Holding Wool. Page 8: Reversing trifluralin resistance. Page 12: Confinement feeding – supporting the engine room in our livestock systems Page 17: High residue...