Take your farming to the next level with Planfarm
Learn the Business of Farming
Are you a farmer looking to gain better control of your farm’s financial aspects for a smoother, more profitable operation? Our Business of Farming Program is tailored to meet your needs. Join now and take charge of your farm’s financial health.
Enhance Your Agronomy Skills
If you’re a farmer aiming to elevate your agronomy skills without returning to university, our Agronomy of Farming Program could be the answer. Learn from experienced agronomists, improve your decision-making in the field, and confidently engage with peers in agronomic discussions.
Support for Your Farm Business
Are you seeking one-to-one support to grow and manage your family farm business effectively? Our Farm Business Strategy Sessions offer personalised guidance across all aspects of farm management. Let us help you chart a path to success.
Expert Horticulture Consultancy
For Australian fruit and vegetable growers, our Horticulture Services provide invaluable farm business advisory to help maximise potential.
Empower Your Farming Journey
As a dedicated Australian farmer, you understand the importance of managing peak debt, machinery financing, succession planning, and more. Your commitment to excellence is unwavering, but the demands of running a farm leave little time for additional education. You’re in search of practical, no-nonsense solutions to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to ensure the profitability and success of your farm.
Pictured on the Van De Velde family farm, ‘Jaloran’, located in Wagin. The Van De Velde family partnered with Planfarm when they moved to Australia in 2018.
Partner with Planfarm
Planfarm work with more than 500 farm businesses, many of whom are Australia’s very best and each on a professional journey of continuous and collaborative improvement.

Pictured on the Van De Velde family farm, ‘Jaloran’, located in Wagin. The Van De Velde family partnered with Planfarm when they moved to Australia in 2018.
We Address Your Needs
At Planfarm, we address your needs comprehensively, covering crucial areas and skill sets such as:
Understanding farm profit
Grain & livestock marketing
Succession planning
Machinery & technology
Ratios & KPIs
People development
Soils & soil constraints
Crop nutrition
Pastures & livestock
Machinery investment
Tax & business structures
Crop establishment
Weeds, pests & disease

JP AND DARCIE VAN DE VELDE | Pictured on the Van De Velde family farm, ‘Jaloran’, located in Wagin. The Van De Velde family partnered with Planfarm when they moved to Australia in 2018.
Case Study: The Mullan Family
The Mullan family (pictured) partnered with Planfarm in 2005. They currently utilise the Farm Business Consulting service.
“We are third generation farmers, and the kids are fourth. We joined Planfarm in 2005 and the relationship adds another dimension to our operation. When times have been tight, Planfarm have been by our side to prepare very professional, very smart business plan presentations which have ultimately led to being able to secure great finance opportunities.” – Rob and Lee-Ann Mullan
Visit the Farm Business Consulting page to learn more about this service.
Are You the Future of Farming?
Planfarm Academy is one of Australia’s leading agri-related learning platforms and allows families or individuals to create and achieve their vision for the future. Enrol now for the Planfarm Academy Business of Farming and Introduction to Agronomy courses at heavily discounted rates, or take a look at our new Agronomy of Farming Course.
Business of Farming Course
Be as good at the business of farming as you are at farming itself by taking your business skills and knowledge to the next level.
Agronomy of Farming Course
Dig deeper into each agronomy topic and benefit from live interactive Q&A’s are run twice a year.

Pictured on the Corke family farm, ‘Rolvenden’, located in Yearlering. The Corke family partnered with Planfarm in 2004.
Persistence of pre-emergent chemicals
2023 was a cracking drought in many parts, thanks captain obvious! Figure 1. Total rainfall since the end of 2022 t (Red Line) at Carnamah, compared to previous 18-month periods (Blue Lines). It’s not always fun to set new records! Source: Climateapp.net....
Soil amelioration makes squillions of dollars
On the 28th of July, 2007, when I was working with the Ag Dept, I set out with Steve Davies and others to put in three mouldboard plough plus lime trials on some sandy soil at Mingenew. I can remember the date because it was a drought year and we needed to wait until...
Late Break Management
First and foremost, let’s recognise the human element here. While it is easy to outline some strategies to best manage late breaks from a keyboard and office, I fully recognise the debilitating process of seeing high workloads, compromised lamb survival, expensive...
Discount on what?
Let’s say that you’re a grower, and you have just spent 3 months of your season caring for and growing a first-grade line of cabbages. Once picked and packed, you approach a buyer and negotiate a price and 30-day terms. Produce is sent off to the buyer with an...
Data-wrangling: Harnessing the power of farm data
I’ve heard it from a number of industry people over the years, but the general consensus is that a farm manager will have 20-25 years to hone their craft before retiring or handing the reins over to the next generation. So, unless you’re in horticulture, those 20-25...
Overcoming Challenges, Planning Strategies
Following on from Cameron Weeks's article in the March edition of Landline, I thought it may be useful to provide some insight into what happened in the great southern agricultural region. Following a mixed start to the season, depending on where farmers were located...
For all the grain in China
For the past 20 years a common saying in the commodity space has been “If you build, grow or mine it, China will buy it”. This is still somewhat true (barley and other previous tariffs aside) as the world’s largest importer of almost everything remains a colossus but...
Carbon Farming Opportunities – Lessons from on the ground
We’re at an exciting stage in WA for all things carbon. We’ve been fielding more enquiries than ever from farmers showing interest in getting involved. This could range all the way from getting a better understanding of emissions produced across their enterprise to...
Deep Wins, Shallow Losses – A Coaching Philosophy
Across my 20 years with Planfarm, this is my 5th contribution to Landline. Why you may ask? Well, the first article I wrote in my first 3 months with the business led to being threatened with a lawsuit. The second had a major bank demand I put a half-page...
Looking to Invest?
A majority owned subsidiary of Planfarm Pty Ltd, Australian Farm Investment Management (AFIM) manages Australian broadacre agricultural investments for institutional and sophisticated investors.
Elevate Your Farming Knowledge with Planfarm
At Planfarm, we’re committed to empowering farmers and agricultural industry partners with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or an agribusiness service provider, our range of programs and services is designed to help you level up your expertise and achieve greater success in the world of farming and agriculture.
Get tailored guidance with a Farm Business Strategy Session. Contact us and get started today.