Carbon Solutions

Planfarm TerraWise
Our specialist team of carbon advisors can help you navigate your way through the carbon industry and explore the opportunities it presents to your business.

Carbon Solutions

Planfarm TerraWise
Our specialist team of carbon advisors can help you navigate your way through the carbon industry and explore the opportunities it presents to your business.

Carbon solutions tailored to your farm business.

Carbon and agriculture

There is currently a global push to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. As governments and supply chains set ambitious emissions targets, Australian farmers and landowners can position themselves by understanding their current carbon emissions and exploring opportunities to reduce their emissions or inset using carbon credits they generate on-farm. Embracing this not only positions farmers as leaders in sustainability but also aligns them with future market demands and financial incentives.

There are various strategies to reduce emissions in agriculture, and by enhancing carbon sequestration in soils and vegetation, our farming landscape can act as a sink to absorb emissions. This presents a significant opportunity for farmers to support global climate goals while also benefiting themselves, enhancing their own farm’s sustainability and profitability. It is well-recognised that farmers are dedicated to managing their land responsibly and strive to be exemplary stewards.

The Lee Family
The Planfarm TerraWise team provide tailored carbon advisory services to our farming clients.

Planfarm TerraWise’s approach to carbon solutions

Planfarm has provided West Australian agriculture with 50 years of high-quality, client-centric and independent advisory services. Planfarm TerraWise’s approach to the carbon industry is no different. Our suite of services are designed to support farmers in understanding and evaluating opportunities in this shifting landscape and developing a tailored approach to ensure that each of their clients can continue to thrive in the carbon-smart landscape of the future. Independence, transparency and integrity are at the heart of our approach, it includes:

Tailored Learning and Support

Trust our team to help you build your understanding of the carbon space, in the context of your own operation.

Opportunity Scoping

Take the first step in investigating the process, practicalities, costs vs. revenue, benefits vs. risks, and insights for a carbon project on your farm

Carbon Project Planning, Design & Management

Scalable, bespoke and end-to-end services to support you through your soil or reforestation carbon project

Funding Opportunities

Connecting farmers to carefully vetted funding opportunities to engage in carbon farming activities

Carbon Accounting

Develop and maintain an understanding of your operational carbon emissions in order to make strategically informed decisions as to how to engage in the industry

Planfarm TerraWise Pty Ltd is a signatory to the Australian Carbon Industry Code of Conduct. In doing so we demonstrate our commitment to the integrity, reputation, and growth of the carbon industry in Australia, and to conducting our business in line with industry best practice. Our Code of Conduct Factsheet can be found here.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to learn more about how Planfarm TerraWise could work with your business, contact either Planfarm TerraWise Manager Dr Danielle Gale on 0410 213 310 or da******@te*******.au or Farm Business Consultant Eric Hall on 0428 246 315 or er**@pl******.au.

If you are interested in any of Planfarm’s other services, visit the ‘Contact Us’ page to get in touch.

TerraWise Carbon Solutions Enquiry

Get in contact with the TerraWise Carbon Solutions team and find out how we can help you. Fill in the enquiry form below to get started!

Our Services

Farm Business Consulting

Essentially, we put our 46 years in the business of farming, into your farm business.

Grain Marketing

Grain Marketing goes a long way to justifying our slogan, ‘Partner with Planfarm’.


If you’re a farmer or farming business looking to partner with an Agronomist, the key word to consider here is ‘independent’.


Planfarm’s consulting arm to Horticulture provides farmers and farm businesses with unprecedented access to professional support and data.

Additional Resources

Planfarm offer a number of helpful resources for use by the farming community.